01727 867201 events@camra.org.uk
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I'm a CAMRA member, how do I purchase discounted tickets?

To get your CAMRA discount on your tickets you will need to enter your promotional code on the checkout screen when purchasing. The discount code can be found on the events page of CAMRA’s website: https://www.camra.org.uk/beer-festivals-events/our-events (you must be logged in to view).

If you’re having trouble logging in, please contact events@camra.org.uk with your membership number. The discount code is not the same as your membership number.

I've ordered my ticket but haven't received my booking confirmation and/or my tickets?

Please check your spam folder. If nothing is there please email events@camra.org.uk with your details or call 01727 798459.

What's the ticket refund policy?

Unfortunately no refunds can be issued on advance tickets.

Can I get a ticket for my essential companion?

Any guest requiring an essential carer/companion in order to attend can get one free ticket, which is issued at the door.

When is the festival open?

Opening Times

Wednesday 22
Free entry for CAMRA members from 5 – 10.30 pm

Thursday 23 – Saturday 25
11 am – 10.30 pm

Are under 18s allowed/can I bring my child(ren)?

Under 18s are allowed into the festival for free but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. All under 18s must be off-site by 7 pm each day. There will be activities for children including dress-up in period clothing, pub games with non-alcohol prizes and more.

Is the festival dog-friendly?

Polite dogs are welcome at the festival but must be kept on a lead at all times. Dogs must be off-site by 7 pm each day, and you must take responsibility to clean up after your dog. 

Disability access - is there allocated seating?

Unfortunately, we do not have any allocated seating outside of our VIP seating and seating is on a first come first serve basis. You are welcome to bring your own chair. The festival is on level ground and there will be ramps for wheelchair accessibility. 

Can I leave and come back in the same day?

We do allow you to leave and come back on the same day but please make sure that you have spoken to a team member on the door before leaving to receive your pass out wristband. There is no readmission after the last admission times. Last entry is 30 minutes before closing.

Can I keep my festival cup?

You can purchase a festival cup for a £1 deposit on arrival at the festival. Before leaving, you can exchange your glass for your money back (£1) or keep the cup as a souvenir. You can also exchange your cup for a clean one at any point during your visit. Please note as this is an outdoor festival no glassware is allowed on site. 

How much are beers at the festival?

Our beers usually range from £3.40 to £10.00 per pint. £10?! Don’t worry, the more expensive beers have a high alcohol content and are served in smaller measures. Beers can be purchased in third, half or full pint measures.

Where can I get allergen information on the beers?

All of our bar staff will be able to provide allergen information on the beers they are serving. Where possible we will make information available in advance with our online beer lists, but we strongly advise that you ask on-site at the bar.

Will there be bag searches?

We will be operating bag searches at the festival.

Is there a smoking area?

There is no designated smoking area inside the festival, visitors must pass-out of the festival to smoke outdoors at no extra cost. 

Are there soft drinks available at the festival?

Yes! There will be a range of soft drinks at the festival including apple juice from the cider bar and a range of soft drinks at the gin bar. There will also be water available. 

Will there be gluten-free/vegan beers?

Yes we will have a range of gluten-free and vegan beers at the festival. They will be clearly identified in the festival guide as well as on the cask ends at the bars.

Is the festival open to the public on 22nd April?

The festival is open to CAMRA members and non-members from 5 pm until 10:30 pm on Wednesday 22nd April. 

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